
An interview about”This Is Your Brain on Architecture”, a book by Sarah Williams Goldhagen, came across my desk recently and is a very intelligent, researched, psychological, and emotional look at how what we see, consciously and subliminally, affects what we see and how we react to it.

There has been much information learned in recent years on the brain and how multisensory we react to our environment and how such is more important than thought before.

“Embodied cognition”, which is a paradigm for how we live and think in the world, is starting to emerge “dipping into psychology, linguistics, anthropology, and neuroscience”.

Most buildings start with size to fit in building space starting with the outside and filling the interior to fill that space.

Finances most often determines what happens thereafter with the design, materials, aesthetics, scheduling, et cetera.

What often gets lost in this construction process is the subjective responses of people to and with said construction results.

Environment is a strong and causing factor in individual experience and behavior and is validated by scientific evidence.

Most of humanity does not live in an ideal world but those who have options of what can be done in building our environments, commercially and residentially, inside and outside, are a factor in determining the world in which we live and move and have our being.

So, after reading the above what do you see and think of your residential, interior and exterior, environment and how do you react to such?

Food for thought.