
Ceilings in residential interior spaces cover as much space in a room as the floors and more space that many walls. They are one important part of the three dimensional sides of the shapes that enclose the room.

Yet, most ceilings in residential spaces are only filled in and not treated as an important design element in the overall composition of the room.

The majority of residential ceilings are painted a flat white. There are standard paints that are manufactured for that purpose and are simply labeled ceiling white and require no thinking and planning for their use. It’s sort of like “ready to eat fast food”. It’s fast, cheap, and easy but has very little nutritional value.

When you make this choice, you miss a great opportunity to increase the aesthetics of the space and lessen your enjoyment of it.

When choosing what foods you eat and how you prepare them, do you not take the route to make what you eat taste as good as possible?

Why not take that approach when designing a ceiling? After all, you spend more time with a ceiling than eating food.

There are unlimited ways to achieve a beautiful ceiling. These ways are only limited by your intelligence, imagination, creativity, and sometimes budgets in manifesting them.

Is it not worth the expenditure of the necessary resources to make all parts of your residential interior spaces the most beautiful it can be for your nourishment and enjoyment?

As always in physical manifestations, the laws of physics and principles of aesthetics should be used wisely and intelligently.

Food for thought.