Celebrity residences currently on the market are among the information about the housing industry in this country that came across my desk during the last few days.
The majority of these residences were in the many millions of dollars price range.
There were several aspects of these current residential offerings which stood out to me and were not positive about the interior design there of.
Most of them were of enormous size to the extent that they were almost redundant. While it can be very luxurious to enjoy having more space than you will need or use, too much is too much and becomes more ego and financial display than good design.
Many of these enormous spaces were under furnished. All well designed residential spaces regardless of their size should should be completed aesthetically or they can be compared to a large meal of empty calories and flavor. What’s the point?
In many of these on the market celebrity homes, the furnishings used were very blah and did not come together as a complete and balanced aesthetic composition.
The home of a internationally know and financially successful individual came across as a run away freight train. Basically, all of the background and all of the furnishings used were individually designed and abundantly expressed coming across as a totally emotional and decoration result with no intelligent thought given to the resulting aesthetic composition and could be best be describe as a room filled with art objects and not as a well designed residential interior. It was her choice and we are all free to live in the residential aesthetic environment we choose.
What can we learn about good design from these examples?
Size, price, location, social-economic status, et cetera in and of themselves do not necessarily result in good design.
The principles of aesthetics and the laws of physics apply to all residential designs regardless of the traits just listed.
Taking this knowledge into consideration, how have you chosen to apply it to you own personal residential environment?
Food for thought.