Changing & Looking

“When you change how you look at things, the things you look at change.” unknown

Our mind set, how we look at things, determines what we see.

For most of my life, I’ve heard people react to non-realistic works of art: “What’s it suppose to be? or, “It looks like”.

It’s not suppose to be, it is what it is. Look at things aesthetically for what they are. Not what you project onto them.

This analysis is still used by many people in many cultures around the world for any thing that does not fit their concepts.

If such is your position, grow up, educate your self, expand your horizons, and stop evaluating the world according to where you are.

There is a song popular during the second world war: “Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, and don’t mess with Mr. In Between.”

Taking such a posture, when looking at and approaching life, will open up new worlds of beauty to you and make your life more positive and fulfilling.

Think about it.

You do think, don’t you?

Food for thought.