
Any residential interior design project, new or redone, requires many choices with many people having only one priority.

Many people approach such projects on the current situation as opposed to the best long term, sometimes evolving, results.

The best results results come from planning the project as one would plan long term financial goals.

Doing such involves giving intelligent thorough philosophical thought to the project.

Long term results, some times years in the future, should trump immediate now situations.

What is the ultimate function of these interior spaces? What activities by whom people are to take place in these spaces?

How will the type and scope of these activities change over the coming years?

What is the most important significance in ambiance and emotion and intellect for people using these spaces?

What is the best long term expenditure of resources, time, money, and others, for the ultimate goals of these projects?

What aspects of these spaces can be manifest that are the individual signatures of the users which will make these spaces uniquely theirs?

When these questions have been fully and successfully answered, you can then more wisely move toward the physical doable steps of time, budget, scheduling, availability, labor, contractors, requirements, permits, et cetera.

Expended wisdom results in abundant results.

How is this school of thought reflected in the personal spaces in which you live and move and have your being Life?

Food for thought.