
“In the beginning God said ‘ Let there be light. ‘ ” ( Smart move. Good choice.) Genesis 1 : 1

Light is the source of all color. Light reflected off of a surface determines color. Without light, there is no color.

More than any of the other senses, light, and then color, is our major sources of the living experience.

There are incomprehensible numbers of colors in sight every where we look and they are changing constantly as the light changes with the daily rotation of this earth on which we live.

How many different colors are there to be seen in a plant, in the colors of the earth, or the reflections and shadows of a city view? Of all the colors we see, how many are natural and how many are man made?

How much brightness, dullness, lightness, and darkness do you see in the colors of every day viewing?

In addition to the reaction of the physical sense of sight upon seeing colors, we, as human beings, also have emotional and intellectual reactions to colors. Colors in and of themselves do not have these traits or characteristics or other intangibles. It is how we react to them that determines how they are described and used.

As in manners and customs, the same colors are given different meanings, significances, uses , and customs during different periods of history and different parts of the world. Let us not judge others by our own self.

To get the most out of life, we should feel free to experience and appreciate all of the colors that we see every day. Such us will help us to be more alive. Get out of your box and old ways of thinking about colors.

Don’t be afraid of colors. They don’t bite. I have never read of, heard of, or seen any information of anyone who had to be taken to the emergency room because of colors.

Live life with colors!

Food for thought.