Listening and observing while growing up, I became aware of certain rules, laws, customs, and positions relating to the uses of colors.
You can’t use those colors. They don’t go together.
Those colors are so ugly!
Using those colors is not in good taste.
Certain colors are masculine and certain colors are female. (In my decades of working with colors, I have never seen genitals or activity there of on any color.)
That’s a race color.
Those colors are so old fashioned and out of date.
You should only use colors that are what they are doing now.
And the number of opinions goes on.
Who makes these proclamations and what is their basis?
Colors in and of themselves have no intangible characteristics.
Through the centuries and cultures those traits have been projected by the populace on to colors.
We now live in the twenty-first century.
What was done with colors in the past in not necessarily best for the present.
In any design manifestation, any colors can be used alone or in combination with any other colors where they are the best choices for the highest level of beauty results.
With science, technology, inventions, and new materials, uncountable new colors are available to the world at large.
Get out of your box. Be free and experience the unlimited choices of colors that are available today.
Food for thought.