Colors of the Year

Periodically, paint companies come out with their offerings for paint colors for the current year. Some paint companies even give seminars to present and explain these choices.

In theory, these selections are supposedly based on current events and environments related to current times.

How ever, one should keep in mind that residential interior colors are not changed as often as one changes choices for lipstick and nail polish.

Think in terms of how long a paint color will be on it’s surface before it is changed.

Paint colors that are used because they are the color of that year can some times be too strong a statement which can become tiresome and end up looking dated.

It is good that chemical and manufacturing and new discoveries are being made which gives one more choices of available colors.

For the most intelligent choices in selecting paint colors for one’s residential interior environment, choose, or have custom mixed and made, the colors that are reflective of the life styles, preferences, and are the best for the highest level of aesthetics of the space and those people who will be using it.

You don’t have to be a sheep and follow. You can be your own individual self and choose your own pathway.

Food for thought.