
Most of the residential constructions in this country, and perhaps also around the rest of the world, are based on elements of economics and mass production and consumption.

Getting the most square feet for the available space.

Adding functional elements that can be used to sell more and increase profits

There are similar plans and elements and results that are mass produced and sold and used country wide for houses.

All of which is done to house the population of this country.

There are, however, some constructions happening which are geared more toward their geography and functions.

What happens to the level and quality of aesthetics when the majority of decisions are based on economics?

What happens to the emotional and decorative desires to create a personal interior residential environment as opposed to a mass concept based on economics?

In such situations, choices are limited.

The options are to make the best of what is available through imagination, creativity, et cetera, settle for what results are available, or choose to raise your budget to a higher level to accommodate your wants.

As you look around your current residential environment, what do you see?

Mass produced and consumed mediocrity, creativity, imagination, a high level and quality of aesthetics, or that which is custom made to your requirements?

What do you want to see?

The choice is yours.

Food for thought.