Facade or living

During a recent conversation with a decades in the profession antique dealer the subject got around to big houses, high quality furnishings, and how people live.

It appears that for many people, as we both have experienced in our different professions, a facade is more important that living.

We both have encountered clients who live in impressive facade houses in expensive neighborhoods of high status but inside the house is basically empty with bed sheets at the windows and patio furniture for use.

The big facade is their residential life.

Other people live in more modest less pretentious houses with high quality interior furnishings which they use, enjoy, and appreciate.

They live full valid life styles.

Perhaps you have come in contact with people who manifest these two methods of living in other areas such as cars, vacations, clothes, activities, organizations, intellectual interests, careers, religions, educations, et etera.

The purpose of life is to live and not to pretend behind a facade.

Life is too short and time is too precious not to experience at it’s fullest.

So, how do you live?

So, which of these two approaches in more manifest in the buildings in which you express your life?

Food for thought.