Flaunt It!

“If you’ve got it, flaunt it!” is an expression that has come up various times over the years and, even if it is not mentioned, it is manifest in much of residential designs.

Why would you want to flaunt any thing? Do you need validation from others to be confident in what you have and where you are?

The uses of flaunting run the entire range of social, economic, and prestigious life styles from the lowest to the highest.

There are those who use enormous amounts of expensive materials put out for the world to see what they have to those who use old used faded materials to express how long they’ve had them which supposedly make for more status and prestige.

Deliberately flaunting, regardless for what reasons and by whom, is usually met with various opinions about it’s being done.

The laws of physics and principles of design are not affected by the intangible, which flaunting is, so that you need to keep both of them in minds when you are doing any project for aesthetics.

Food for thought.