Floor Plans

  Well designed planned and functional floor plans are an important part of any well designed residential interior.

The most important aspect of a floor plan is that it needs to be functional for the activities that will take place in that interior space taking into account all of the physical activities that will take place in the room.

The most important is traffic flow which means that space is allowed for people to walk comfortably into and out of the room, go where they need to go, sit where they want to sit, can easily carry on a conversation with others, reach what they need to reach, see what they need to see, and have access to storage, entertainment, and other places in the room.

Comfort needs to be considered also. Is furniture placed so that one is not in a hot or cold spot from heating and air conditioning? Is it placed so that one has good lighting from natural and man made sources? Is it placed so that one has a pleasant view when using the furniture?

These needs need to be fulfilled for all physical types and personalities that will be using the space.

When such is accomplished, the aesthetics need to be considered. Is the size, style, and placement of the furniture such that it fits into the background and aesthetics of the room’s walls and floors?

  Proportions of all of furnishings of the room play an important role here. The biggest mistake most people make in this aspect is that they jam too many large pieces of furnishing into a too small space or too small pieces in a large space.

All aspects of the furnishings of an interior space need to be considered as part of the aesthetic composition of the room, adjacent rooms, and he entire house so that it not cut up, a heterogeneous mixture, and comes together into a complete whole.

The floor plans of each room should fit in with the adjacent rooms and into the flow and functions of the entire residence.

When all is said, planned, and achieved there will be a natural and comfortable ambiance about the interior design so that everything looks and functions as it should, everything looks like it is together the way it should be, is unobtrusive, and manifests a synergy that is pleasant and delightful and looks and feels right.  You don’t have to look and think about it. You just experience it.

The last thing to do for a successful floor plan in any interior space is that you are to use and enjoy it.

“The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”

Food for thought.