In the information that comes across my desk each day about the housing industry in this country are photos of the houses that are being built in new developments in all areas.
The majority of these houses are built in a “traditional” style and look as if they were siblings.
They mostly seem to have one outstanding aesthetic design feature in common. The garage door is the biggest physical and most important design feature for the front of the house.
This garage door is utilitarian and absorbs much of the aesthetics for the street view.
While these buildings are mass produced for a mass market and with all of the resources, materials, skills, and intelligence available today is it not conceivable that with creativity, imagination, and thinking one could come up with a design that could either eliminate or improve such situations?
Over the course of history, generally speaking, the front, and especially the front door, are the welcoming and flavor aspects of a residence and it’s occupants.
What does a double garage door projecting at the front of the house say about such?
Perhaps other features and aspects of the front of the house are more important for some persons than the aesthetics. We are all different individuals with different personalities.
Food for thought.