Holiday Beauty

It’s the time of year when much of the world’s population celebrates some kind of holiday.

It matters not where you are on your spiritual journey in this life or at what level is your consciousness with the reality of what is. We are all made from the same elements and are all one with Creation,

As such, during this season, let yourself become aware of the pure tangible and intangible beauty that is every where expressed.     .

This beauty is ever present and all we have to do is open our selves up and experience it only if for no other reason than to know, appreciate, and enjoy it.

  Beauty is beautiful. It is awesome. It is joyful. It is delightful. Beauty is  fulfilling.

Make the most of this time of year regardless of your beliefs, non-beliefs, doubts, questions, religion, customs,or positions.

Let yourself go and become one with the aesthetics of your environment. It is beautiful!

Food for thought.