How many times have you heard some one unsolicitly make such a comment usually with a great deal of energy and enthusiasm?
It appears to be very important to them that you are aware of their position even when they are not a factor in the situation.
Without going into a lot of detail about the causes of human behavior patterns, it seems that they have a hunger for being acknowledged.
Other people have the same reaction when first encountering a new situation in which they are a factor.
In both types of situations, putting a hold on your first immediate emotional response, and looking at the situation from an intellectual perspective, analyzing it, and then considering all factors present makes for a more preferable reaction.
We are all human beings with our foibles and our strengths.
Being cognizant and respectful to ourselves and others in such situations can lead us to a deeper and wider experience in all areas and aspects of our lives.
These observations are especially strong in our dealings with the aesthetics of our daily environments.
Be more aware and be more alive!
Food for thought.