
” Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. ” Albert Einstein

In the how it has manifest itself over the years how big and important a role has imagination played in the creation of your home living environment?

The choices you have made over time there have determined the creation of the characteristics and ambiance of the spaces in which you experience your residential living.

What do you see and how do you react to it, consciously and unconsciously, as you look around where you live?

Is it always pleasant and comfortable to which you always look forward to returning or is it blah and piecemeal to the extent that it doesn’t register on your awareness radar or some place in between?

How much of your life’s time in spent in your residential interior spaces, what activities take place there, and how important a role does such play in the overall health and happiness of your personal life’s experiences?

Imagination determines the level of effectiveness of quality aesthetics and livability in the expenditure of resources used in designing, construction, and furnishings of interior residential spaces.

So. What type of environment do you want to experience when you are at home?

The human brain is the highest level of development in the evolution of life and there is no limit as to where the intelligent use there of can take us. But first, you have to choose to go and then do something about it.

Or, do you prefer to stay in the rut of that which you now know?

Food for thought.