
What is important in life?

A big screen color television and a new car!

Lol! Some people are of this state of mind. I am not one of them.

What keeps coming up and is more pronounced by information currently available for those who evaluate such things is that the value and importance and completeness of a life well lived is one in which the emphasis has been on the quality experiences one has known as opposed to the quantity of physical accumulations and financial worth one leaves behind.

Of course, not every one is going to agree with this evaluation, but it definitely has wisdom on it’s side.

Have you ever thought about the total time of your life that is spent inside your residential interior environment?

Looking back, of if you would prefer, look forward and evaluate the quality of that time as a part of your overall existence on this planet.

Is such important to you? Are you comfortable and satisfied where you are or would you like to make changes for what ever reason?

The day-to-day existence of residential life with all of it’s ups and downs and all of the emotional, psychological, functional, financial, intellectual, et cetera aspects experienced there in can be greatly enhanced in spaces that are aesthetically pleasing as well as functional.

Where are you and where would you prefer to have been?

Food for thought.