Ingessive Aesthetics

“The encounter with the aesthetics is the most ‘ingessive’ transformative summons available to human experiencing.” George Steiner

To ingest intangibly aesthetically is to experience inside a feeling of beauty, wholeness, awesomeness, joy, and completeness with life as being “in the zone” on the same level as sexual and spiritual manifestations without sensual stimulation.

What is the action of a purposely full life, if not the goal of life itself, if not to experience being at the highest and greatest degree?

Where are you in experiencing life as such?

What is your level of consciousness here?

What do you want and seek here and how important is such to you?

What efforts, or non-efforts, are you making in your life for your purposes in living?

How does the quality and level of aesthetics in your residential interior environment affect these experiences?

Food for thought.