Interior Design Information

Where does one outside of the field go when one wants information of merit about the designing of one’s residential interior space?

Lists for such sources show amply results. Any one who chooses, in most instances, can list themselves as an interior designer, interior decorator, interior consultant, design services, et cetera.

Furniture stores, floor covering business, paint and wall paper companies, fabric and window treatments concerns, construction contractors, economical-status-social individuals, et cetera, and the list goes on. All can and often promote themselves as providing interior design services.

And then there are the magazines, television shows, internet sources, books, and videos that are of the same premise.

Where does one go for valid residential interior design information?

The first question to ask is: Is the source’s primary reason for being in business to create the best design results for my residential interior space, or is their primary reason for being in business to sell you something? Is such person an interior designer or a salesperson?

The second question to ask is: What qualifications to design an interior residential space does said person have? What academic training do they have? What is their intelligence, imagination, and creative level? What knowledge and experience do they exhibit for the overall world of interior design and the other related fields such as building contractors, workmen, suppliers, custom works, et cetera, that are outside of their particular area of expertise? Can they professionally advise you and work successfully with these other areas?

Think of what are the most and best results that you want from a residential interior design service and then seek out the best qualified person that will give those results. It should be a totally professional business experience and not one of personal connections.

Those people with knowledge, experience, and who know what they are doing generally produce the best results in professions including the profession of interior design.

Food for thought.