Limited to One

An executive with one of the leading international multi-billion dollar companies in the world had the need to inform me of certain limiting aspects of residential interior design.

Her superior economic-social status, her positions on various important boards, and her personally known connections were her resources for this wisdom knowledge.

She knew that residential interior designers have one particular style or specialty of designing and so are thusly limited to results there by achieved and that was basically it.

All of which was delivered with the subtle humility of peacock feathers.

Needlessly to say my experience is not congruent with her pontifications.

It is true that certain residential interior designers, and decorators, in this profession are specialist in certain niches and such can be applied to many other aspects of human behavior.

Being an expert in one area of knowledge, in and of itself, does not limit one’s abilities in other areas of knowledge.

With intelligence, education, creativity, and imagination applied with persistence there is no limit as to what aesthetic results can be achieved.

For this executive, as well as for people in many other aspects of life, such arrogance behavior clouds out reality, potentialities, facts, logic, and reasonableness.

When experiencing your living spaces do you see limitations or unlimited potential horizons?

Food for thought?