There has been a lot of media coverage about McMansions in various media in recent years.
Now there is coverage about functions and status in McMansions and other residences especially about living rooms and dining rooms.
McMansions are usually evaluated negatively for being big and phony and of which much is not being functional or used. Many do have a lot of aspects and characteristics that are not functional or of quality and are there for status which is of high importance to those who build and buy them.
McMansions and real mansions are two totally different entities.
There are surveys and other reports that life styles are less formal and more casual which is relevant to many home owners. Thus, according to this position, living rooms and dining rooms are not used and should not be and having such is a waste of space and is merely a status symbol.
To get to the basic roots of design and aesthetics, anything that is not of quality or without function should not be manifest in any design composition including houses.
If people want to build and buy big phony McMansions, such is their choice. We have the right in this country to do such.
If people want to have an informal and casual life style and not have living rooms or dining rooms, such is their choice.
If people want to have living and dining rooms which fit in with their life stye, such is their choice.
Designs conceived and marketed to mass consumers do not determine what is good for everyone. One size does not fit all.
All of which is an individual choice. If you want good design in your residence, go with the best quality and functional designs for your life style. Don’t be taken in or influenced by trends or marketing. Good design will give you lasting results which are up and above status or trends. It is real. Superior quality does not need to show off status. It is inherent.
If, after all is said and done, you still have a need to show off with status, get psychotherapy.
Food for thought.