There are many schools of thought about the relationships between the mind and body of our behavior as human beings.
One central theme keeps coming through and is constantly shown in the studies and tests results which come across my desk continuously.
What we see and think and do and feel about our lives affects what we experience in our lives.
All aspects of our lives are inter twined and affect each other and the sum total of our being.
All is one.
So, what does all of this information have to do with the interior design of our residences?
In this present time in which we live, our lives are more restricted than previously.
Which means that as most of us are at home more than before, it is more important than ever that our home environment is healthy, functional, beautiful, and congruent with positive living.
Knowing that all aspects of our lives affect what we experience, we are better prepared to make the most of our current limitations and experience a higher and better level of living even in these times “that try men’s souls”.
Think positively. Look for beauty. Live in the moment.
The choices that you make determine the life you experience.
What choices do you make?
Food for thought.