Pandemic Designs

Recent changes desired in home designs from pandemic living:

Planning with visitors not in mind.

Every one’s space requirements need to be covered.

Office space is a must.

Have a room just for zooming.

Quarantine rooms.

Stress free rooms.

More open space between inside and outside.

More thought and planning for all colors and all lighting.

How does these research results pan with what you have experienced and would like to have for your residential living space as a result of the pandemic?

What ever your answers are, the laws of physics and principles of aesthetics still apply.

Intelligent and quality aesthetics, when used, will always result in a beautiful and fulfilling residential interior design.

Where are you with your interior living space?

Where would you like to go with such?

What are you going to do about it?

Food for thought.

Color Choices

The changing light of winter has focused the aspects that are needed to be explored when choosing colors, especially wall colors, for use in our residential interior space.

There continue to be many color companies who are bringing out “The colors of 2021” or some other period of time or category.

In theory, these colors are supposed researched to be reflective of the times in which we live, new colors and finishes that are now available through new products and techniques, trends and popular choices, fashion and design forecasts, et cetera.

All of which is well and good in that all areas of life should be researched and expanded.

These colors are designed for mass productions in paints and any other place color is used for residential interior design.

What if you don’t like these brought out colors or these colors do not fit into the ambiance, scheme, design, or personality traits for your residential interior living spaces?

Maybe you are an individual who chooses your own pathway and does not like or want to follow the crowd, trends, what’s popular, what “they” are doing, et cetera.

Good for you!

By making this decision, you are not limited in your choice of colors as in today’s world paint colors can easily be designed and made and, as well, any color surface can be matched, when needed, by today’s technology by those people who know what they are doing.

Any color selected for any object or purpose in any intelligent and quality aesthetically designed interior space should exclusively be manifest because it is the best for the aesthetics compositions of where it is used.

And as we all know, don’t we, that color is determined by the reflection of light on it’s surface so that all lights during all times of day and night, seasonal, man made, and natural, should be considered with choosing the light that is best for the function, most important time, and best composition exposure to the space.

Food for thought.


Second only to light, proportions are the most important aspect of results produced in any physical manifestations.

Look at nature around you and analyze how what you see is determined by the proportions of what is there.

The quality of materials used is of no merit if the proportions are out of balance.

Proportions also affect the chemistry results of what is manifest. For example, what do you experience when eating food in which too much of one ingredient or not enough of another takes place when preparing the dish?

Thinking, the level of consciousness, experience, and the mere act of living over time have evolved into what humanity knows as good proportions which can be many and varied reflecting the times and cultures in which they are manifest.

The unlimited varieties of the dimensions of the human body, life styles, cultures, and personality traits of peoples are also an important factor in determining what are good proportions in our living environment especially for the interiors of our residential living spaces.

Contrary to the popular ism one size does not always fit all.

Thusly, proportions affect all physical manifestations in life.

Being aware and having good proportions makes your life more practical, comfortable, and beautiful of which all are worthwhile and desirable goals.

So. What does all of this information mean to you and how does it affect your activities there of?

Food for thought.

2021 Trends

2021 trends during the current calendar year by a housing developer that came across my desk last week stirred up my interest.

There were several good points made by how the pandemic has changed the housing market.

Many of these changes relating to combating the spread of the virus and psychological and physical changes relating to being at home more because of it have been presented in this blog and many other sources.

What peaked my interest was the examples given of houses for more indoor-outdoor access.

Many of these and other examples of recently shown designs which are described as farm houses look like a popular development house with some rustic look porches and trim added were great examples of what is tacky design which means that instead of an aesthetically balanced composition certain things are tacked on that are suppose to give the so called design result.

Webster defines a “farm house” as a house on a farm which leaves completely open the aesthetics there of.

A residential structure should reflect the time and space in which it is erected.

Such, with the aid of intelligent and quality aesthetics, presents an opportunity to incorporate the traits and characteristics of unlimited life styles desired by home owners.

Replicating a certain style is usually a low level of aesthetics.

Incorporating the characteristics of those aspects of desired results into a balanced designed composition is excellent design.

What do you see, for what do seek, and what do you choose for the design and manifestation of your residence?

Food for thought.

The Physical

Enhancing the culture and developing talent are two of the outstanding traits of successful businesses.

Recent articles about how the physical spurs these two aspects have come across my desk.

The purpose of a business is to provide goods and services for a profit.

What is the purpose of our residential interior environments and how does the physical affect the results there of?

Have you ever really thought about and intelligently analyzed, other than basic shelter from the elements, what are the purposes of the interior spaces in which you abide?

What are the integrated custom, social, material, and your unique aspects which make up the care and functions of the home space in which you live?

How well does the inside of your house, or other type of living space, fulfill all of the functions there of?

If the physical can spur good results for a business, what can it do to spur the quality of your life style.

Food for thought.


Perspective, as used here, means what you see when you look.

We live in a three dimensional world in that most physical objects are in a 360 degree state of manifestation.

All 360 degrees contribute to the final appearance of objects.

Most of what we see is from a standing, or walking, and sitting position.

As such, we miss much of the overall composition of the objects we see.

When experiencing the interior aesthetics and the design of the spaces you occupy, look at those spaces in various heights from the floor up to the ceiling and 360 degrees around and notice how what you see changes.

What changes could be made to improve the aesthetic level of what your see?

To achieve the highest level of beauty for the environment in which you live, Initially plan and execute the best 360 degree composition or make the changes that will lead to that position.

We choose to have the food we eat taste the best that we can.

Would it not be intelligent, wise, and rewarding to make our interior environment, which is always present, the best that it can be?

After all, don’t you want all aspects of your life to be the best that it can?

Otherwise, why are you reading this blog?

Food for thought.


I regret to inform you that we will not have a blog today because of circumstances unforeseen. We plan to be back in full force as usual a week from today. Thank you for your interest. George W. Moore, IV

Curb Appeal

One of the first things realtors evaluate in selling a house is curb appeal which is how the house and yard look from the street and is the first impression potential buyers get of it.

It is a universal truth that attractiveness and beauty enhance physicality.

The question I ask is why wait until you are preparing to put your residence on the market to have a great appeal?

Who approaches the house most often, either by foot or by car, for the length of time that you live there?

You as the owner do.

So, why not make your curb appeal great and enjoy it and appreciate it every day that you live there?

As often written about many times before, many of the newer houses that come across my desk from around the country have a double garage door as the main focus point on the front facade.

While this feature may be the result of making the best use of the spaces involved, such should not mean that it has to manifest bad aesthetics.

There are a few of these newer houses which have intelligently worked out a design so that this double door garage, along with the entire front of the residence, is a completely balanced aesthetic composition which is a delight to view.

Landscaping is also important in curb appeal and should be designed to enhance the curb appeal within the overall composition of the space.

So, go outside and look at your residence from the curb and evaluate intelligently and aesthetically what you see.

Any thing that can improve the aesthetics of your day-to-day existence is of merit.

Food for thought.


Webster defines taste as individual preference in the choices we make and as we are using the word here it refers to what we choose for the interior of our residential spaces.

Every one has taste whether it be what is considered good or bad or anything in between.

Have you ever given any thought from where your taste comes?

The results of the evolution of the human race up to our present time is in all of us and has a role in our choices.

For example: People gravitate toward fireplaces when there is no need of them for heating. People like to have light and a connection with nature and the outside. Et Cetera.

Our individual tastes beyond this area are determined largely by our upbringing especially during the developing years to adulthood.

These tastes experienced thusly stay with us through our life time.

To those people who become educated, travel, and reach higher and different socio-economic levels from these formative years will find these tastes affecting our residential choices, knowingly or unknowingly, even when we try to manifest another environment.

All of which is neither good or bad in and of itself.

What determines the quality of what we choose is determined by how we express it.

For interior residential spaces which are appropriate and functional for their location and time and working intelligently with quality standards using the laws of physics and the principles of design the results will be good regardless of your personal tastes.

Although it is not as prevalent in today’s culture as in past times, the concept of “good taste” generally refers to those standards set by the higher classes in societies which can contain certain elements of snobbery and social status which in and of themselves are not necessarily good design.

Food for thought.

Foot note: For readers who would like a blog on a certain subject, e-mail me at [email protected].

Pandemic Changes

Residential home builders have posted some changes that home buyers want now more that before the pandemic.

Different entrances and facilities for family and guests which are convenient and functional with family entrances having spaces for hats, coats, boots, powder room, and laundry facilities.

Kitchens which are better equipped for more and better cooking with the use of quartz and touchless fixtures high on the list plus facilities that perform for all age groups.

More than one space for home offices as well as versatile spaces for storage and other activities.

Family bath rooms that are functional for all ages from childhood through elderly.

More access to out side with doors and windows for all occupants of the house.

Porches are very popular for outside socialization and connection with one’s neighborhood.

I should like to add some thoughts on the aesthetics for these suggested changes.

Be very careful about the use of colors for indoor spaces where you will be spending more time.

Bold and busy patterns and bright and many colors used can become disturbing and uncomfortable after a time.

Think in terms of simpler patterns and softer colors which are usually more comfortable and pleasant for most people over the long term.

In the selection of every thing that goes inside such a residential space be extremely careful and selective so that you only have that which you like and can use for a long time.

“When in doubt, take out.” Virginia Garden Club

Food for thought.