Emotional Decoration

There are three parts to a successfully designed interior space: The function of the space which is for what it is to be used. The aesthetic which is the level of beauty manifest in the space. The ambience of the space which should reflect the personalities of the people using it.

There is a mixing together or combination of the aesthetics and personalities which determines the resulting aesthetics because what people like is a major factor in the total design results.

In many of life’s decisions our emotions trump our intellect.

Such is the situation when some people get carried away in decorating an interior space with what they like versus what is good design.

For example: I like patterned tile. So instead of two or so coordinating patterns of tile in my kitchen, I put a patterned tile on every surface in the room which results in a dizzying, hodgepodge effect. But, I’m going to do what I like.

For example: Instead of two or three coordinating objects on a shelf, I cover the entire shelves with different objects. It’s what I want to do.

What they like becomes an over doing upon which they insist manifesting.

More is not better. Too much is worse.,

Get the picture? What one likes over rules the principles of aesthetics. The emotional of what one likes trumps the intellect of aesthetic composition.

Looking at some of these such interior spaces, I think that if they just put up a sign and price tags on every thing, they could open the doors and be a retail shop. Is such how a residential in space should look?

Food for thought.

Light & Health

Research by the Lighting Center at Polytechnic Institute has proven evidence that there is ” a connection between light, color, and our well being ” as human being. *

” A healthy circadian response ” for interior spaces light ” is every bit as important to our health as diet and exercise “.

We, as human beings, have evolved in tune with the natural rhythms, including light, of this planet since the beginning. We are still human beings living on this planet and still subject to the natural laws of it.

Light is the single most important element in the design of any interior space.

How much thought. research, planning, resources, and efforts go into the lighting of the interior spaces in which you live and have your being?

Food for thought.

* ” Science Says Light Brighter ” in Metropolis April 2019

Aesthetic Consciousness

A 7000 year old Japon pot from Japan in the British Museum is an example of the oldest known pottery in the world.

It is about the size of a child’s sand bucket and is made of coils of clay layered around and pressed with fiber so that the end result looks like a basket which is with what they were familiar.

Even at that primitive time there was an inner need to add aesthetics to an item that was totally utilitarian and they did it at their level of consciousness.

It is an historic example which shows that human beings desire a level of beauty to their surroundings.

As we live in the 21st century with a more highly developed level of intelligence, knowledge, and unlimited sources and methods of physical manifestations, at what level is your aesthetic consciousness and how do you express beauty in your surroundings?

Food for thought.


The new color is …. Trends in kitchen and bath designs include…. The important design features in new home constructions are…. More home owners are …. Do you ever see such pronouncements in your life’s activities?

Such information is constantly coming across my desk. Have you ever noticed how many ” the color of the year” there are? Each paint manufacturer has one. Home shelter magazines each have one. Decorating divas have one. Home furnishings manufacturers have one. The list goes on.

And what of the colors and trends advertised for appliances, furnishings, building materials, construction, life styles, et cetera. And the “here’s what popular now”. And the “it’s what they are doing now”.

Residential design, construction, and living are not the same as fashion for clothing and dressing.

With new advances in chemistry, manufacturing, techniques, changes in life styles, finances, the market place, the availability of more colors, options, and ranges of building products, and materials is good. However, what does the such mean to you personally? How is it a factor in your life style and choices?

What if you don’t like it or it doesn’t go in your chosen design direction? Do you want to be like everyone else and follow the crowd are do you want to chose your own direction? Do you want to be popular or unique? Is it important to you to have celebrity or status choices and brands and names attached to your life style? Does such make you feel better and more important?

The same can be said for other trends and directions of kitchens, bathrooms, construction, features, manufacturing, et cetera which are of interest to manufacturers and building contractors and others who are concerned with mass production for mass consumption which is where some people choose to be and live. What’s your choices?

The ultimate is to manifest that which is functional for your life style, reflects your personality, and is the best possible level of quality and aesthetics.

Every thing else is superfluous.

Food for thought.

The Fear of Colors

You can’t use those colors. Those colors don’t go together. Neutrals go with every thing. It doesn’t match. That’s not the way to do it. It’s not traditional.

Have you ever heard these comments before?

Many people have a psychological fear of colors or a variety thereof as if there is some rule or law or principle that determines what is the “right and proper” use of colors and not conforming to such is a “mistake” and manifests undesirable results which are wrong and bad and as such reflects undesirably on their personality. This fear is caused by their exposure, background, and misunderstanding of the characteristics, physics, aesthetics, and possibilities of colors.

There are unlimited combinations of colors that have never been conceived and used and can produce beautiful results. Colors are determined by lighting which is the most important and prominent aspect of aesthetics. Yet, many people insist upon staying in their conceived box and severely limiting themselves as to results of colors.

  To explore, experiment, and seek new and different uses of colors opens up one to unlimited beautiful possibilities that greatly enhance one’s environment. Traditional is not always the best. Don’t let cultural conditioning, other’s opinions, or fear stand in your way of achieving higher and more beautiful results. The fear is all in your head. Get rid of it.

I have never seen, heard of, or read of any one who became ill or had to be taken to an emergency room because of colors. Colors do not bite. Colors are not a source of infectious diseases. Colors do not inflect pain.

Get over it! It doesn’t cost any more money. Do it!

  Expand and enjoy your life.

Food for thought.

Money Pit

He just keeps putting money in that house. It’s just a money pit. He’ll never get his money back. It’s just an endless pit. Some day he will have to sell.

Have you ever heard those comments made? What is the speaker saying and why?

  If money is used to improve a house to make it more convenient, functional, beautiful, practical, comfortable, efficient, and compatible with your personality, lifestyle, and reflective of your tastes, it is an investment in living. Is such an investment not of merit for the quality of living that you experience as a result of said investment?

Is the goal of life for your residence to live in it to the fullest or is it just to make money?

Food is another necessity for living. Is the money spend on food primarily expended on nutrition or on food and drink that we like and enjoy consuming?

The same concept can be applied to our residences.

What is your choice and position? Is your residence your place for living, experiencing life, your personal space in the universe, and your home base? Or is it just a place to exist as a financial investment?

If you only want a place to exist as a financial investment, have you ever considered purchasing rental property and living in the basement?

Food for thought.

Taste and Water

  Water flows until it reaches it’s own level. Such activity is a universal law.

  The same is true for the level of our personal aesthetic taste. Our level of personal taste is a manifestation of our level of consciousness for aesthetics.

  You will not be comfortable or ” at home ” on any other level. Such is who you are and your level of consciousness.

  Our DNA and all of the experiences in our environment, nature and nuture, are factors in determining our level of consciousness of aesthetics.

  Your level of consciousness can be raised, but only successfully if you honestly and sincerely want to raise it. Pretend does not work.

  As in many aspects of life, the best is usually at the highest level.

Do you know at what level you are, where you would like to be, or do you care?

Food for thought.

Dining Rooms

  Some of what comes across my desk these days from the residential construction industry says that many buyers of new homes do not want to use a separate room for dining as it is only used a few times a year for formal occasions and they would prefer to use that space more often for other functions.

For any interior spaces in a residence the questions to be asked are: What are the best designs for all functions that are to take place in the available spaces and how can they be done best aesthetically?

Some people like to keep a formal dining room for their life style. For some, a room may have other functions, but become formal for dining. Some people don’t want a formal room for dining and prefer all eating activities be incorporated into the activities of other spaces.

Different people have different life styles. There is no formula that fits all.

Function is the only principle to follow and is the main ” reason de etre ” for any designed residential space.

Food for thought.

“Trends” and “Of The Year”

A lot of information has come across my desk recently: trends, colors of the year, what people want today in their residences, the choices of different generations, et cetera.

Such information is geared toward those businesses involved in mass production and consumerism.

Such information is relevant only to those individuals who want to follow the crowd and be like others and be and do what’s popular.

Are you a sheep who follows where the crowd is going, or, are you an individual who makes his own needs, desires, life style, functions, and personality his pathway direction?

Residential interiors are not like lip stick and nail polish. They are not changed seasonally because of the new fashions. Trends and popular colors come and go. Excellent design is permanent.

  Food for thought.

My Taste

” My tastes are very simple. I am satisfied with the best.”

Oscar Wilde

What a delightful position. How does it apply to one’s personal life?

Your personal tastes are those choices that you make for the things that you like. What is the best for your taste?

In the designs of a residential interior, there are many choices available. In addition to choosing what you like, you must also choose that which is functional. The two have to go together.

  Functionality is necessary for tastes you choose to be of merit. If it is not functional, it is not of merit. If it is not of merit, it is of no use.

Aesthetics and uses individually or together may may be factors in functionality.

  If you are to be satisfied with the best for your taste, you should choose that which is the best for the functional including quality materials, construction, performance, and use.

  Personal taste choices are usually an emotional manifestation and functional choices are usually an intellectual manifestation. For the best results, the two blend well together to make a complete whole.

  Then you have the best.

  Food for thought.