Kitchens are of high importance in a residential design. Kitchens are considered one of the biggest factors in determining the price, desirability, and sell ability of a house.
Kitchens are usually the most costly, time consuming, and involved room in the construction of a house involving location, access, lay out, storage, man made and natural light, electrical outlets and wiring, air circulation and venting, temperature and humidity control, efficiency, cooking, cooling, freezing, food preparation, eating, cleaning, socialization, personalization, conversations, functionality, and aesthetics.
The basic functions of a kitchen are to be a place into which food can be brought, be prepared for storage or cooking, cooking and or cooling, serving, eating, disposing, cleaning, and maintenance.
The functions begins with how close is the kitchen to where groceries are brought into the house and where do you put the groceries down first and ends when all dishes are cleaned and put away. How comfortable is the floor on which you will be standing for perhaps hours during the day? How well do the cabinets and counters fit the proportions of your body so that you can be comfortable as well as efficient in kitchen activities? How well can you see what you are to do? How well does storage and layout of the room fit the way you like to do things? What is involved in cleaning and maintaining walls, floors, ceilings, exhaust fans, appliances, et cetera?
There are a myriad of questions to be considered, analyzed, and answered for a well planned and designed kitchen. Contrary to the popular saying: One size does not fit all.
And the there are the aesthetics of a kitchen. What ambiance do you like? What colors do you like? What materials do you like? What style do you like? Do you want a simple, stark, and efficient food laboratory or a warm, cozy, and homely feeling or something in between? The options are unlimited. Choose your own way.
All of these factors need to be be taken into consideration and put together into a complete balance for the best kitchen results.
A kitchen is usually the most costly and complex room in the house. Therefore, it is to be used and enjoyed as much as possible for all of the above reason.
Food for thought.