
Second only to light, proportions are the most important aspect of results produced in any physical manifestations.

Look at nature around you and analyze how what you see is determined by the proportions of what is there.

The quality of materials used is of no merit if the proportions are out of balance.

Proportions also affect the chemistry results of what is manifest. For example, what do you experience when eating food in which too much of one ingredient or not enough of another takes place when preparing the dish?

Thinking, the level of consciousness, experience, and the mere act of living over time have evolved into what humanity knows as good proportions which can be many and varied reflecting the times and cultures in which they are manifest.

The unlimited varieties of the dimensions of the human body, life styles, cultures, and personality traits of peoples are also an important factor in determining what are good proportions in our living environment especially for the interiors of our residential living spaces.

Contrary to the popular ism one size does not always fit all.

Thusly, proportions affect all physical manifestations in life.

Being aware and having good proportions makes your life more practical, comfortable, and beautiful of which all are worthwhile and desirable goals.

So. What does all of this information mean to you and how does it affect your activities there of?

Food for thought.