
What do you see when you look?

What do you see when you look as everyone does not react the same when viewing the same subject matter?

Out reaction to what we see in a reflection of who we are as a result of almost all aspects of our lives that goes into the sum total of our personality.

Such includes where we are in evolution as well as the shaping of our each individual personality from what we have experienced up through the present time.

Among these traits are our intelligence, education, finances, politics, physical locations, religion or lack there of, time in history, and cultures.

Two of the most important are our attitude toward life and what we like.

What we want to see is an important determining factor.

For example: If you want, or choose, to see the bad, negative, and ugly in life that is what you will see. If you choose to see the good, positive, and beauty in life that is what you will see.

We also have a strong tendency to see what we do, or do not, like.

What do you choose to see and how important is it in manifesting the life you want to experience?

Our mind, consciously and unconsciously, is the main factor in our visual experiences.

It is reality that we harvest what we sow.

During your interior residential living what do you see, how aware of it are you, how satisfied, content, and happy are you with it, and what, if anything, do you choose to do about it?

What is the sum total of your time and experience for your participation on this planet for your ” at home ” life?

We seek to eat food that taste good?

Is it of merit to reside in residential interior designs that are aesthetically pleasing?

Food for thought.