It has been my experience in listening to people and observing advertising medias over the years that much of the population is of the position that interior design means buying new furniture. All types of businesses who sell home furnishing items – furniture stores, department stores, floor coverings stores, drapery workrooms, paint stores, et cetera – advertise their design consultants, decorators, designers, experts, et cetera who really only sell their one type of merchandise.
There are many people who call themselves interior designers who brag not of what they have produced that is beautiful, but what and how much they have sold. Their mark of success is not professional aesthetics but dollars sold.
In a manner of speaking, it’s like saying buying food from a grocery store is the same as being served a delicious dinner in a fine restaurant.
Interior designing is way more than a financial transaction of merchandising items for a house. While there are some element items that are bought and sold in designing an interior, they are merely the ingredients for the recipe and not the served courses from the menu.
Interior designing takes talent, education, experience, imagination, creativity, thought, planning, and the coordination of many trades, businesses, and industries to produce a professionally design interior that manifest function, aesthetics, and personality ambiance. Selling items of home furnishing is not in that league and does not cut it or produce those results.
Most of the public population is ignorant of this reality which is exploited by advertisements and sales people.
Food for thought.