There is a rapidly increasing use of the internet and electronic devices in all aspects of our lives and this movement will increase until the smart home is the basic standard practice.
Yet, there are some legitimate concerns about the emotional and psychological problems affected by smart houses.
Is there a feeling of lost control, privacy, and information to third parties and governments and businesses?
What about the potential for hackers, malware, and glitches on the internet?
Your personal behavior is private and sensitive and should remain such. How much do you want other people to know about how you live?
Would government relations be effective? With today’s electronic connections around the world it would have to be international, and who would be the designers, regulators, and enforcers of such?
Will makers and designers of such things used to make a smart homes step up to the plate and give us complete privacy, control, and no sharing of any data? Is such a thing physically possible?
There is much to be considered for smart homes to become completely comfortable and of merit.
What are your thoughts and feelings on such future states?
Food for thought.