Status VS Physical

Their residential status is of utmost importance to some people to the extent that it trumps other aspects of their personal living spaces.

This status may be based on monetary, history, occupants present and past, location, et cetera.

Status, what ever it is, in and of itself, does not affect the physical.

Status does not affect the aesthetics of the physical.

The type of activities to take place in a space does not affect it physically.

What clothing is worn in it does not affect the physical of a space.

These non-tangible traits and characteristics attributed to a space are emotional and intellectual.

They are two of the main factors as to how we react and use a space.

The laws of physics and principles of aesthetics determine the physical and beauty quality level of a space.

Pause and analyze the spaces in which you live and have your being.

When occupying interior spaces, of what you see and how you react to it, how much is physical, intellectual, emotional, status, aesthetic, functional, et cetera?

Spaces which fulfill all of these aspects are complete which is the ultimate goal of the highest quality residential interior design.

How do these different aspects stack up in the spaces you personally occupy?

Food for thought.