
Your style is what you choose for your choices and activities and represents you.

There are many factors which affect your choosing style.

Your dna, your upbringing, your education, your personality traits, your financial situation, your culture, past and present, the time and place in which your live, et cetera are all determining factors in what you choose as your personal style.

Many of these choices are made subconsciously and we may not be aware of them, but they are present and manifest.

Part of choosing your personal style is determined by how important such is to you and what you choose to do about it.

Recent articles about styles in the housing industry have come across my desk and are important because they affect the direction and activities of the house and home furnishings industries.

Whether you think about it or not, your personal style is there in what you choose and do.

In thinking about your residential interior space it is important to examine and decide what level of quality you want and the role that aesthetics plays in you decisions.

Generally speaking, we only choose the best options of quality and the highest level of the tastes that we like in the shopping, preparation, and eating and enjoying foods.

How does that principle apply to your choices in the design of your homes?

Your options are only limited by your circumstances and expenditure of your resources.

How important is your residential style to you and what have you manifest for the world to see as you?

Food for thought.