The Best

Oscar Wilde is quoted as saying: “My tastes are very simple. I am satisfied with the best.

What is the best for residential interior design to fulfill it’s raison d’etre?

Is the best the most expensive, rare, high status, classic, contemporary, beautiful, or easy?

What is the most important best: aesthetic, function, budget, quality, schedules and deadlines, preferences, newest, practical, or availability?

Is something that is expensive, functional, and beautiful better than something that equally is functional and beautiful and costs less?

For aesthetic, if something that is beautiful in and of itself better that something that is less beautiful in and of itself but fits better into the over all aesthetic composition of space?

The laws of physics and principles of aesthetics are present in all physical manifestations- best or not. To achieve the best, one must make the best use of both.

There are many aspects and factors to consider when designing a residential interior space.

Think wisely and intelligently for the long term and analyze carefully all parts and aspects of the whole space when making choices for the design of your residential interior space.

What is the best for you?

Food for thought.