As the human race has advanced from purely a state of survival and reproduction for millenias to a point where we are aware of ourselves and our existence in time and space, we seek for meaning, significance, and purpose in our lives.
When one is in such a state as to be completely aware of the full scope of one’s life at the time and place being lived where it all fits together, one experiences the wholeness, beauty, and awesomeness of life.
Such an experience fulfills us intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, and physically. There is no higher plane of existence for a human being to experience on this planet.
There is an old saying – ” Don’t forget to smell the roses. ” – which would apply here on a much higher level. Don’t get so caught up in the mechanics of day-to-day living that we miss the flavor of life. There is more to life than merely survival.
Is such not even more rewarding in one’s physical home environment surrounded by one’s personal expression of life and of beauty and to live in such an environment on a daily basis?
You know who you are and where you are and you know that is right. You are feeling the presence of home.
Food for thought.