
What is the status of residential housing in this country today?

The demands of the market, changes of life styles cause by the pandemic, interest rates, labor, materials, availability, job market, inflation, global warming, et cetera have all caused major changes, and still do, in the residential housing market of the life we experience today.

Shelter from the elements is the foremost and most basic function of residential existence and is not one which is optional.

Above and beyond being basic shelter from the elements, our homes also fill necessary emotional, psychological, physical, legal, health, some time spiritual and religious, business, social, et cetera needs and requirements.

For our daily lives to be livable there has to be a balance of finances between housing costs and income in relation to the other aspects of one’s life.

This balance will vary in different locations, times, circumstances et cetera during our present time and future ones.

So, how do we put all this stuff together in a desirable manifesting way?

The history of the human race through the ages has manifest endless varying results of how these elements have come together.

For a housing process to be successful there has to be responsibility, action, cooperation, fairness, et cetera from all members of society including business, finance, government, environmentalists, designers of many professions, labor, health, and others working together as a team to have all of a population well housed.

What do you see today as the major challenges facing housing the population of this country? What do you see as the solutions? How and what do we have to do to put it altogether and have it work?

How does all of such affect you personally and the people who are important in your life?

What, if anything, are you going to do about the current situation?

Food for thought.