
Tradition! Tradition! Tradition!

What is tradition and what role does it play in our lives?

  Tradition is an act, method, fact, or doing of something as it was done in the past and letting such be the main basic validity for doing it regardless of the changes since it originated or the conditions, associations, current times, discoveries,  et cetera.

  Traditions affects our daily lives in language, writing, manners, customs, clothes, housing, furnishings. religions, laws, politics, governments, families, et cetera.

  The majority of men’s clothing styles are very traditional. Most of the houses we see around this nation are traditional. Most of the home furnishings available are traditional, Religious observances are loaded with traditions. Government functions and operations are traditional. Much of legal interpretations of laws are based on tradition. Much of family behavior is based on tradition. The list goes on and on.

  Tradition can be good or bad.

  It is good to know, understand, and appreciate the past. It becomes bad when it is insisted upon, required, or done because it was manifest as such in the past but it has become outdated, irrelevant, inappropriate, non-functional, and meaningless.

  As human beings, our present, in all of it’s aspects, is a result of the flow of events to the current time so that what is past plays a large role in our choices and behavior and life styles and we usually let emotions over rule the intelligence in our behavior pattern.

  As we can only live in the present, let us become aware of, use, enjoy, and appreciate life here today for what it is and how it is and try to advance civilization with out the habit, reliance and custom of doing because that was the ” tradition ” in the past.

  Food for thought.