
  There is a lot in all medias about housing in this country today relating to trends. What age group is living where, what are people wanting in housing today, what effects are labor and materials making, what is the housing market doing, how are technology and new materials affecting building, what are popular features, what style is prevalent, what colors, materials, appliances, et cetera are being promoted today, what are the current emotional and intellectual features that are currently desired, et cetera. The list goes on and on.

A trend is a movement in a certain direction being manifest by mass activity.

For residences, trends happen when when a certain number of people in building and buying houses and where and how they chose to live and the environment there of make decisions to go in a certain direction.

People in real estate, builders, contractors, mortgagors, manufacturers, marketers, suppliers, et cetera will use this information to gear their efforts to fulfill this movement and forecast it’s affect on future businesses. Such is a basic function of all well managed businesses.

Trends come from and are geared toward mass consumption. Many people want to be in, on, or what’s popular with trends as it ties them to the present time and gives them a certain cache of with it and of it.

The question you need to ask yourself when faced with a trend is: Do you want to follow the masses and become part of a trend , or are you an individual who chooses his own personality, needs, wants, and situations to be the deciding factor in making choices?

What is your ultimate goal in a residence? Is it a place to live and be your self? Is it merely a financial investment option? What are your long term goals in designing, building, buying, and living in a house?

Trends in many ways are a lot like fashion. Some become out dated. Some cause change in a new direction. Some loose their effectiveness  or are no longer of merit.

How does a trend affect you, your life style, and your long tern goals? Think about and analyze trends before making a permanent decision.

Food for thought.