Well, folks, it’s time to get excited again. The most exciting time of the year.
Paint companies and others are coming out with their forecast of colors for 2019. Wow! Furniture manufacturers and fabric distributors are in the process of presenting new selections. And then there will be other groups who will decide what colors will be used for the manufacturing of bed and bath linens, fabrics for clothing, appliances, plumbing fixtures, and other items where color is a choice. There will be much-to-do about the provenance and those who are responsible for these new collections.
New techniques and physical advances and discoveries are being made that result in new colors being available which is good because it gives one more choices for ready mixed and manufactured items. Custom colors are made and mixed individually to fit the design of their compositions.
Furniture, fabric, and most other home furnishings manufacturers will usually present a reworking or interpretations of past designs which again is good in that it provides more choices for their market. Some of these will be very popular and be used for years. Others will not and will fall by the way side.
What is new is not a statement of quality. It merely means that it is new.
For all of these entities involved, it is a business in the market place to make a profit. Most of these companies are geared to a mass market of consumers which is the major activity of most companies in our free enterprise system in this country. It has worked for generations and longer.
So how does all of this affect you? There are two questions you may want to ask yourself if any of this information is of interest to you.
First, question and analyze to see if something is actually new or is it a reworking or updating or interpretations of some designs of the past. Or is it something that has not been done in the past and is a completely original design, material, process, result, et cetera? Do the aesthetics and all aspects point back to the past or go forward into the future?
Secondly, ask your self if you want to be part of these trends and partake in individual consumption of what is geared to a mass market, or do you prefer to be an individual and do and select and purchase that which best fits your choice of life style and aesthetics?
Be diligent and look for true value and do not be adversely affected by advertising and public relations which are designed to get you to buy.
In all things be aware of quality.
Are you excited now?
Food for thought.