Thales, a Greek philosopher, around 585 BCE stated that water is: ubiquitous, essential, productive, and metamorphic and can occupy all three material states.
Water manifest certain physical characteristics or laws of which one is that it always finds it’s own level.
This same principle can be applied to the choices many people make in the materialization of their residential interior environment.
Finances, education, family background and environment, personality development, location, geography, status, culture, et cetera are all determining factors affecting our preferences for our personal living spaces.
On top of and beside the influences of all of those factors, there is often another element in our inner being, of which we may or may be conscious, that insists upon being expressed.
It matters not the affect, positive or negative, such choices make on the overall composition of the living space whether in function, aesthetics, comfort, logic, or finances some people will insist upon going in that direction.
When all is said and done we are all human beings living on this sphere in space with all of our imperfections and idiosyncratic behaviors so that our insistence on doing such on these occasions perhaps merely manifest such.
Food for thought.