
It is a universal law of physics that water in it’s liquid state always finds it’s own level.

There is no variation on this truth.

This principle can also be applied to the choices made by people in the manifestation of their living spaces.

A combination of DNA, environment, intelligence, education, emotions, family, religion, politics, geography, et cetera determines the personality of individuals and what one likes and prefers which in turn determines how people live and express themselves.

These life style expressions are profoundly recognized in the manner is which an individual chooses to dress, express themselves, and the interior environment in which they live.

There are times in which societal and economics may affect a change.

Ambition, flaunting, one-up-manship, and other such behaviors may manifest other expressions.

However, some basic core of their personality will come out and need to be expressed in one way or another.

Unto thine own self be true.” is not just a platitude.

How well do you know yourself and the core of your personality and being and how well do express it?

What do all of these exponents say about you and your living spaces?

Your mental interior design is a mirror of your residential interior design.

Food for thought.