What is the Reason d’Etre of a Residence?

  What is the ultimate purpose of a residence?

Buildings are constructed to enclose space from the elements. After that, the activities by it’s users that will take place inside the building are it’s reason d’etre.

To many, the purpose of a residence is financial as a tax deduction or a growth investment or rental income. To some, it’s like a gas station. It’s where they eat, sleep, and dress. To others, it is a manifestation of their accomplishments and status and lifestyle. And the bigger and more expensive, the better.

The purpose of life is to live. If a residence is not used for the best and most living of it’s space by it’s occupants, it is not being used to it’s highest potential.

It matters not how many square feet, the level of quality, the cost, or the acreage. If it is not being used and lived in by it’s occupants, what is the merit of a residence?

Mankind requires tangible and intangible experiences in life.

A house should not be just a house for the people who live there. It addition to shelter from the elements and a comfortable interior environment, it should be the place of manifestation for one’s personal intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual, and aesthetic life style.

What is the reason d’etre of your residence?

Food for thought.