Whisper Vs Shout

There is a current movement going on in choices of designer clothes where by shouters wear a large designer name or excessive current fashions for all the word to see while whisperers wear subtle fashions of quite designer quality materials and workmanship.

This same principle can, and has for a long time, be seen in how people manifest both the exteriors and interiors of their residences.

“Show the world what you’ve got” is the goal of shouters who choose big and complex facades and interiors, most often based on past period styles, while ignoring the principles of excellent design. “The most and more costly the better.” Marble and gold are the biggest culprits here.

I have often thought that if you really want to show the world what you’ve got, simply put a large easily readable sign of your financial worth in front of your residence.

The whispers considers the sizes, locations, functions, and current times using the principles of design as a goal for their residences and thusly manifest excellent results.

Whisperers are confident and comfortable and composed underneath it all in their residential manifestations where as shouters are not.

When it comes down to the nitty gritty bottom line of excellence for residential design, quality always surpasses quantity.

Where are you in this range of residential expressions for your personal living?

Food for thought.